Posenet and ML5


During the session, we had activity on
What form(s) do you take in the physical world?
Does your form(s) in the physical world change? How?
Does your form(s) in the physical world  impact your experience? Alone? With others? How?
Would you change your form(s) in the physical world if you could? How?
Is your identity (however you define it) connected to your physical form(s)?

What form(s) do you take in the digital world?

Does your form(s) in the digital world change? How?
Does your form(s) in the digital world impact your experience? Alone? With others? How?
Would you change your form(s) in the digital realm if you could? How?
Is your identity (however you define it) connected to your digital form(s)?

posenet and ml5 setup
  • Add ML5 library in the html.js
    <script src=”https://unpkg.com/ml5@0.4.2/dist/ml5.min.js”></script>
what we can do with Posenet and ml5
  • Using ML5, train model to recognize the posture
  • Connect the skeleton and movement with 2D character
Ideas popped up
  • Using ML5 to tell the stories on “hierarchy or power system in this society”
    Young & old
    Parent & child
    Police & suspect or person with gun & person without gun

* Create a two-user sketch that:
* Creates a live connection between two users
* Uses one or more machine learning models to detect all or part of the users’ bodies.
* Includes at least one interaction between the two users.
* Takes into account how the users’ forms inform the experience.