Silent Mukbang
Silent Mukbang modifies the usual form of Mukbang, an online audiovisual broadcast in which a host eats food while interacting with their audience, into silent brainwave communication. It converts formerly written communication between the host and audience, making the communication more frank and direct.
PROJECT Timeline
Concept Design
Hardware Production
Collaborated With
Qi Chen: Hardware Production
Bilen Gerawork: Software Programming
Among the waves EEG can detect, Silent Mukbang utilizes Alpha and Beta signals to communicate the audience’s reaction and emotion to the broadcaster. Alpha level, which is related to the level of relaxation, is devised to control the movement of the conveyer belt, right or left. The work interprets a stronger alpha level as the viewer being relaxed and contemplated on the action of the broadcaster. On the other hand, a decrease in the alpha level is defined as the viewer being interrupted by the broadcaster’s action. Therefore the stronger alpha level gets, the conveyor belt moves to the direction toward broadcaster, which in contrast moves to the right getting far from the broadcaster’s reach with the fall of the alpha level. The beta level related to attentiveness and engagement is described as heart emoji, automatically sent to the broadcaster when its level exceeds the set level.

Design Process