Final project progress – microhabitat



Process 1
Use webrtc to send data from computer a to b

Using webRTC, a computer connected to the microscope sends knob value to a computer in distance. (code)

Future steps

  • Read two values(two knobs) and send two values to another computer(computer on the right)
  • Test servo rotation on the computer on the right(was not able to test it out as the cable is missing for the extra Arduino Uno I have :D….)
  • Apply additional detail(graphic) on rotating course detail knob
Process 2
Finding a solution to sending live video to distant smartphone

The audience is seeing the live video of my room. Therefore live video from phone in room A should be played at phone in room B.

Method A: working

Phone A(at my room) captures my room

Laptop A(at my room) runs p5.js sketch while using Phone A to capture the live video

Laptop A runs Zoom and shares screen

Phone B(at the room with a microscope) enters Zoom room where Phone B is a host and sharing screen

Phone B(at the room with a microscope) enters Zoom room where Phone B is a host and sharing screen

Method B: fail

Streaming video on Youtube from Phone A and phone B seeing the video live causes way too much latency that will convince the audience that they are controlling the video or camera

Q. But, the working solution is still too heavy and has too many steps.
Is there any other easier and less heavy way to live stream p5.js????

Process 3
Fabricating microscope & robust phone turntable


Microscope will be designed using the following materials

Robust turn table

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