Line of Light
Line of Light is a two-player interactive game using LED strips and cranks with two different modes of the game – cooperative and competitive.
The game is installed at Flow Festival (Helsinki, Finland) played by thousands of visitors.
PROJECT Timeline
May – Aug 2018
FLOW Festival (Aug 2018)
Aalto Väre (Sep 2018)
Games Factory (Oct-Dec 2018)
Game Level Design
Game Box and Console Design
On-Site Installation
Arduino Teensy Board
3D Printer
Mills · Laser Cutter
Collaborated With
Izzan Bacharrudin Soedarsono
(Game Level Design)
Matti Niinimäki (Mentor)
Game Concept
The core aim of the project is to raise awareness of the polluted Baltic Sea. Line of Light indirectly speaks the issue by expressing the streams of the sea tide using LED Strips and cranks.
Considering the mood of the festival, the game has two different modes of the game: competitive mode and collaborative mode.
Topic (Baltic sea)

LED Sea Tide + Crank
Game Environment (festival)

Easy + Approachable + Safe + Fun
Game Variation

Competition Mode + Collaboration Mode
Three LED strips are installed on the ceiling of Aika-Lava, a wooden architecture built for the festival.
Game boxes are positioned on the floor, facing each other.
Tug of War

Compete against each other by rotating the crank faster to reach your rival’s side.
Balance of Light

Cooperate with a partner to reach the white area and stay for 3 seconds to unlock the magic. 3 chances are given each session and unlock 5 times to win.
Design Process